How can I not be afraid of SUGAR, when everyone knows is getting you fat?

DetoxHow can I not be afraid of SUGAR, when everyone knows is getting you fat?
First, you should understand what sugar is and what is its role in the body.

Why do you have this native affinity for sweetness, why any annoyance goes with chocolate and how many types of sugar exist in this world. Is it all you have to avoid? Starting from the structure of your body frugivor. Yes, physiologically and biochemically, you are a picker and a fruit eater. Not an omnivorous hunter. That we have chosen, as a species, to adapt to another diet as we migrate more and more to temperate and cold areas where fruits grow seasonally, that’s another story. But you have the structure, from A to Z, of a tropical fruiting species, where you had mango and bananas and hundreds of other fruits throughout the year. They were all at the bottom of the horse. You did not lack protein because of that.

The evolution has built your physiology and internal chemical structure to be 100% compatible with the fruit. Not with cheese, not with chocolate, not with chocolate. With fruits. But openness and discernment come from your understanding as a body first, and then from your compatibility with the rest of your diet. When you know yourself, you automatically understand how to juggle with your diet to maximize good things and minimise the negative impact of uninspired (or unconscious) food choices I would call myself. Your cells consume simple carbohydrates and oxygen. Simple carbohydrates (or live sugar) that you took from fruits. And oxygen, which you now take out of the air. Your cells do not burn protein or fat. Before using protein or fatty substances (we correctly used the word ‘forced’), they must first convert those proteins and fats into … sugar, and then use it with oxygen as a combustion and energy material . So, as all roads lead to Paris in your body, all roads lead to simple carbohydrates and oxygen.

You were designed to eat fruit that abounds in soluble fiber. Say, soluble fiber is also called pre-biotic and is good pope for pro-biotics, that is, for healthy bacteria in your intestine. These soluble fibers, which make many other wonders in your body, allow for a gradual release of living sugar into the blood so that the cells in your body are fed steadily and efficiently. So the first big lesson you have to understand is that your cells are dependent on living sugar as they depend on oxygen. Just as you can not live without oxygen, so your cells can not live without the simple carbohydrate + oxygen combination.

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